Our culture seems to sap spiritual life from us, we slumber in entertainment, we are ensnared through poor choices. We long for the Lord to […] Preparation for spiritual warfare
I am tempted by passages of blessing to think God does great things because I am right with him. This can lead to a focus […] Glory shines out
The offer of freedom to indulge our every whim is only as free as all the other offers we don’t believe. Those who taste its […] Freedom for today
It is easy to see the darkness creep in. It is harder to admit the reason: We like it that way. They have become callous and have […] Enjoying Darkness
Jesus talks of how we choose to receive His word. An emphasis on visible results has pushed us towards – The one who received the […] Choose Jesus’ way
How poorly I appreciate the unseen work of Christ. I recently organised a conference. There was a sense of God at work, one person even […] What counts?
How can we move from the anxious tossing on a bed, to a place of peace? from when you are on your beds, search your […] Finding peace in anxiety
Why does the Lord take us through periods of spiritual emptiness? We long for intimacy in worship and the word, but encounter dryness. This seems […] Spiritual emptiness
We live in a world of self-interest, committed to feeling better about ourselves or experiences that take our eyes off the state of our lives. […] Way out of emptiness
When I really want something, I look on the Bible as a hindrance, getting in the way of what I want. I want to rebel […] Worship, a cure for rebellion
The Lord loves us but he does not entrust himself to us. But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. […] Trustworthy to Jesus? 1 comment
Why do the nations say, ‘Where is their God?’ Psalm 115:2 This is a question that is being asked of the Church. The question raises […] Where is your God?
I was overcome by fear and anger. Someone had made a threatening comment and I was churned up inside. My mind would turn on this […] Overcoming anger 1 comment
The Lord initiates with me by showing kindness when He rescues me from my disaster. What catches my attention is when He does it without […] Recognise kindness
There are times when I am stressed out by the urgent and yet it seems every road I take to resolve the situation ends in […] Rest in stress