Walking with the God who knows us

Finding Truth Amidst Divisiveness: A Journey with Jesus

How do I live in integrity when my social circle embraces divisive opinions?

Quick, God, I need your helping hand! The last decent person just went down. All the friends I depended on gone.  

Psalm 12v1-2msg

Sometimes my friends embrace a divisive position. Sometimes my eyes are opened to my own divisive attitudes. Whichever, I can go to Jesus, The Truth, my Rock.

How does Jesus being the truth help?

Everyone talks in lie language …. They doubletalk with forked tongues.   

Psalm 12v1-2msg

However transformed my friends and I are, we fail. We use deceit and double talk to bolster our view.

But Jesus would not entrust himself to them …, for he knew what was in each person.

John 2:24-25NIV

Jesus knows all about us. If Jesus would not entrust himself to us, I need to be careful. He knows what is within us, that we pick facts to support our view.

God’s words are pure words, Pure silver words refined seven times In the fires of his word-kiln, Pure on earth as well as in heaven.   

Psalm 12v6msg

When I go to Jesus. His response encourages me not to look at the competing sides but to him who loves all. He unveils attitudes driven by fear and greed, or nursing hurts. He helps me to join him in compassion.

Photo by The Vegan Monster:

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