Walking with the God who knows us

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Hebrews 11v1

Faith is to be lived. It is not some intellectual belief system it is knowing God as a person and trusting him. The person he reveals himself to be through the Bible and through the way he interacts with us in our life circumstances is the person we can trust him to be as he challenges us to live his way.

So, I go to the Bible and spend time with God. I am presented insights and as I explore the implications for life, I am faced with choices that are a challenge to my faith. Do I dare to live the way the Lord Jesus is pointing?

I hope you enjoy the posts that are presented here.

I try to get out a blog of about 260 words in a time frame of once a month to once a week, so you won’t be overwhelmed if you subscribe.

Derek Leaf
  • Finding Truth Amidst Divisiveness: A Journey with Jesus

    Finding Truth Amidst Divisiveness: A Journey with Jesus

    How do I live in integrity when my social circle embraces divisive opinions? Quick, God, I need your helping hand! The last decent person just went down. All the friends I depended on gone.   Psalm 12v1-2msg Sometimes my friends embrace a divisive position. Sometimes my eyes are opened to my own divisive attitudes. Whichever,…

  • God’s Longing

    God’s Longing

    God’s longing highlights my inadequacy God … looks around … for someone not stupid— one man, even, God-expectant, just one God-ready woman.  Psalm 14v2 Message God looks for people whose hearts are focused on him. He comes up empty. A string of zeros. Psalm 14v3 Message I too fail him. I am far from what…

  • Facing Hostility

    Facing Hostility

    How do I respond in the face of hostility … I’ve already run for dear life straight to the arms of God.  Psalm 11v1 What a joy to enter that relationship with someone who loves unconditionally. But then hostility comes and seeks to separate us … would I run away now when you say, “Run…