God gives perspective, and I need it!
Listen … God, the most honest prayer you’ll ever hear.
Psalm 17v1
In my head I am honest with God, why lie to the all-knowing? But I don’t realise how dishonest I am with myself.
Go ahead, examine me from inside out …
Psalm 17v3
The Lord examines my heart through life situations. The results are mixed but lead on to training.
I’m staying on your trail … I’m not giving up.
Psalm 17v5
God’s trail through life’s challenges is my training ground developing integrity. The best results come when I don’t give up. If I do, then the Lord in love will often take me through another round.
Hide me under your cool wing feathers. From the wicked who are out to get me …
Psalm 17v8-9
The wicked use pressure and flattery. I feel that coercion. When I rest in the assurance of his presence and protection, I can stay on his trail.
Their hearts are hard as nails, their mouths blast hot air. They are after me … determined to bring me down,
Psalm 17v10-11
Such people are skilled at upending my sense of what is right.
And me? I plan on looking you full in the face. When I get up, I’ll see your full stature and live heaven on earth.
Psalm 17v17
To stand I need to look God in the face. He restores perspective of himself and of eternity.