Walking with the God who knows us

Lessons in a crash

I saw a near crash on the motorway. The driver of the car ahead fell asleep and drifted into a lorry.  When contact happened it was enough to wake the driver, who got back in lane.

Then I read

God answer you on the day you crash, The name God-of-Jacob put you out of harm’s reach, (Psalm 20:1-4 Message)

I felt this Psalm and the incident were mirrors of one another. My reaction is, I don’t want a crash. A fearful attitude of crash avoidance is unhelpful. Rather I give thanks for the fact that the Lord has gone before me. He will put me out of harm’s reach.

Send reinforcements from Holy Hill, Dispatch from Zion fresh supplies,

When crashes occur, my tendency is to think about what I can do about them. What the Lord says is that He will resolve them and by means that are beyond my understanding with His reinforcements, His supplies.

Celebrate your sacrifices,

When I crash, how can the Lord celebrate my sacrifices? Crashes involve failure! The Lord uses the crash as a development tool. He responds to a godly attitude by “Wow, you were ready to die to your natural inclinations, you sacrificed a lot for a godly attitude.”

Accomplish your plans.

Why would the Lord accomplish my plan? I think I need to find God’s plan and do it. Here, the Lord is using a crisis to help us develop through our choices. As we make these choices, He cements the development by accomplishing our plans!

For more detail on this study – Developed by a crash

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