The Lord loves us but he does not entrust himself to us. But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. […] Trustworthy to Jesus? 1 comment
With God, what we declare on earth is declared in heaven. He fulfils what we commit to in union with Him. Psalm 132 is a […] Covenant with God
I was shocked by an exercise of going through the events from Gethsemane to the cross taking the perspective of those who were condemning Jesus. […] Shades of grey
I was overcome by fear and anger. Someone had made a threatening comment and I was churned up inside. My mind would turn on this […] Overcoming anger 1 comment
There are times when I am stressed out by the urgent and yet it seems every road I take to resolve the situation ends in […] Rest in stress
The arguments I hold in my mind expose secondary issues that have supplanted my Father as the one to be worshipped. In Psalm 76 the […] Controversies and faith 1 comment
‘Simply Jesus’ is a great phrase to help us keep perspective when things become complicated. We need care, there are those for whom the words […] Simply Jesus
We want to be associated with the rich, powerful and famous for through them we gain a foothold in their world and are elevated among […] Downwardly mobile
In a crisis I am tempted to force a solution. The Lord shows a different way – Isaiah 56 1‘Maintain justice and do what is […] Awaiting God’s intervention
We live in a culture that is so bombarded by messages that none are listened to. How then can the gospel break out? Isaiah’s prophecy […] Show not tell
One of Jesus’ statements is brought into new light through His apostolic ministry. “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and […] From consumer to disciple
What a privilege to participate in Jesus’ ministry. Paul and Barnabas were directed into ministry through Isaiah 49:6: “… I will also make you a […] Reward with God
I have often been ‘Mr Nice Guy’, yet niceness is not godliness. I read up on the difference between nice and kind and was shocked […] Nice or Kind? 2 comments
The call to become a disciple of Jesus is a call to leave. We see this in Psalm 45 where the bride is called to […] Go with the King
I am so concerned to show myself a responsible servant of Christ that I fail to receive the oil of joy which would give off […] Wait to receive joy