Walking with the God who knows us

Come and see

Jesus’  future disciples asked, “Where are you staying (meno in Greek)?” By the end of his ministry that question is given a new dimension of meaning when Jesus puts it back to them saying, “If you remain (meno in Greek) in me you will bear much fruit.”

When I want more of Jesus and appeal to him, “Where are you?”, I invite him to respond, “Come and see”. Jesus does not give a set of directions, he invites me to be with him, to follow him and live, or abide, in the life he unveils to me.

The people who asked were John-the-baptist’s disciples. John had prompted them to follow Jesus when he said, “Look! There is the lamb of God!” When Jesus said, “Come and see!” it might have felt like a challenge to their loyalty to John. Nevertheless, they went.

Jesus sometimes asks me the same question. Through it he finds out where my deepest loyalty lies? Am I willing to listen to Jesus’ call, “Come and see!” Am I willing to go to wherever he takes me or would I prefer old certainties?




Photo by Adam Griffith on Unsplash

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