Walking with the God who knows us

Jesus’ three nudges

Jesus saw through Nicodemus and gave him three subtle nudges.

… yet you won’t believe our testimony.  But if you don’t believe me when I tell you about earthly things, how can you possibly believe if I tell you about heavenly things?  

John 3v11-12

Nicodemus does not believe. Such distrust has consequences. He cannot grasp Jesus’ message.

… as Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life.  

John 3v13-15

Jesus himself is the focal point to be saved for eternal life. This is the first of Jesus’ nudges. Nicodemus has not come off the fence to trust Jesus so, he does not have the enlightening eternal life.

God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.

John 3v17

While Jesus does not judge, Nicodemus’ visit was an evaluation. Conclusions would be academic, critical thinking not trust. This is the next nudge.

All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed.”

John 3v20

Jesus’ third nudge concerns Nicodemus coming in the dark out of fear of exposure. It points to his lack of trust in God to protect him.

Jesus’ nudges were to help Nicodemus on his journey. I often experience Jesus’ nudges, subtle clues that if taken bring life to me and to others.  What nudges is he giving you?




Photo by Nik on Unsplash

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