Jesus’ future disciples asked, “Where are you staying (meno in Greek)?” By the end of his ministry that question is given a new dimension of meaning when Jesus puts it back to them saying, “If you remain (meno in Greek) in me you will bear much fruit.”
When I want more of Jesus and appeal to him, “Where are you?”, I invite him to respond, “Come and see”. Jesus does not give a set of directions, he invites me to be with him, to follow him and live, or abide, in the life he unveils to me.
The people who asked were John-the-baptist’s disciples. John had prompted them to follow Jesus when he said, “Look! There is the lamb of God!” When Jesus said, “Come and see!” it might have felt like a challenge to their loyalty to John. Nevertheless, they went.
Jesus sometimes asks me the same question. Through it he finds out where my deepest loyalty lies? Am I willing to listen to Jesus’ call, “Come and see!” Am I willing to go to wherever he takes me or would I prefer old certainties?
Photo by Adam Griffith on Unsplash