Walking with the God who knows us

Values Exposed

How do I imagine God amid disaster?

God majestic, praise abounds in our God-city! His sacred mountain, breathtaking in its heights—earth’s joy. 

Psalm 48v1-2

When I finally encounter God face to face and see the wonders he has built, my breath will be taken away!

The kings got together, they united and came. They took one look and shook their heads, they scattered and ran away. 

Psalm 48v4-5

Those who have exalted and loved themselves will be shamed by their arrogance. All they strived for will crumple before him.

You smashed the ships of Tarshish with a storm out of the East.

Psalm 48v7

Great projects are brought down by unseen forces and unexpected circumstances.

God’s city …  Set on firm foundations, firm forever.

Psalm 48v8

As people build to make themselves great, what God is building with humility is despised. Humanity’s exploits are eventually exposed by the human condition.

Your name, God, evokes a train of Hallelujahs … your arms are heaped with goodness-in-action.

Psalm 48v10

As I understand that God works with love and goodness clothed by humility, I look beyond the headlines that set the stage to the acts that reflect what He values.

Events ask me if I value what God values? Am I persuaded by the proud to look at human achievement and miss the love and humility of the overlooked God?

What are you valuing?

Photo by Chandler Cruttenden on Unsplash

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