Walking with the God who knows us

Dwell with Jesus

There is a subtle but significant difference between

“He who dwells in the shelter of the most high”

Psalm 91:1


If you make the most high your dwelling

Psalm 91:9

When I choose to live in God’s shelter, it effects my lifestyle choices. I can hardly say I am dwelling with someone when I live in a way that is contrary to their way of life and values. I might be co-existing, but I am certainly not dwelling.

When I dwell in the shelter of the Most High, I am protected and can live without fear. There may be threats, but I am safe. This is a great place to dwell.

When I make the Most High my dwelling, I am not choosing a lifestyle but a person. There is a dynamism here that comes through knowing the person of Jesus and walking with him. This requires a degree of surrender, for Jesus often takes us out of our comfort zones to places where we can really live and thrive. It may be risky, but Jesus says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Are you dwelling in the Lord’s shelter, are you making the Most High our dwelling?



Photo by Cindy Chen on Unsplash

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