Walking with the God who knows us

Offensive Spiritual Warfare

Who is willing and patient enough to engage with God in offensive spiritual warfare?  Psalm 110 shows how.

‘Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.’

It begins with sitting at God’s right hand! Amazing! Instead of action, it is spent waiting with the Father in prayer. This period of the warfare continues until the Father has won the victory, He alone knows when and can release the prayer warrior.

‘The Lord will extend your mighty sceptre from Zion.’

Through sitting at God’s right hand in prayer, the Lord extends the authority of the prayer warrior. This authority is spiritual, it comes from Zion where God dwells,  rather than organisational, it is a place of humility that may not be recognised by others.

‘Your troops will be willing on the day of battle.’

The victory becomes visible when the Lord raises up troops to fight in the day of battle. The troops are the Lord’s and they are willing to fight for Him.

‘You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.’

Those who have sat with God in prayer, not only participate in great victories, they are given a title of honour.

‘The Lord is at your right hand, he will crush kings on the day of his wrath.’

The victory is assured and it looks like it has been gained through this lord. Only God and the prayer warrior know that the victory was gained months or even years earlier when they sat together in prayer.

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